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CrossFit Risk Rentention Group

What Does It Mean to Be a CrossFit RRG Member?

Put simply, a CrossFit RRG member is an affiliate or trainer who owns stock in the insurance company and gains significant coverage and defense advantages by being a policyholder. But let’s explore what that means in more detail.

Part Ownership

By definition, a risk retention group (RRG) is an insurance company that is owned by its policyholders. That means that every CrossFit RRG member—whether affiliate or trainer—purchases stock in the company in order to be a policyholder.

This purchase is completely separate from the policy premium and called a ”membership contribution.” The amount totals $1,000 for affiliates and $200 for trainers. Affiliates can divide that payment into annual payments of a minimum of $50 over the first 4 years of membership.  The remainder must be paid with the fifth year of policy. Ifa member is no longer a policyholder, they can request to have their contribution returned by contacting their account manager.

Keep in mind that this contribution is not insurance coverage. Similar to how a Costco membership allows you to shop at their stores and enjoy their products, the CrossFit RRG membership contribution gives you access to unique advantages.

Unparalleled Advantages

First, CrossFit RRG offers a non-restrictive policy that doesn’t penalize you for having a CrossFit business. While other insurance companies may cancel or not renew your policy because of the perceived risks associated with CrossFit training, CrossFit RRG doesn’t do that. Quite the contrary. CrossFit RRG encourages members to contribute to the underwriting process and policy design through their Affiliate representatives on the RRG’s Board of Directors.

CrossFit RRG members also receive the ultimate protection. Other insurance companies put their own interests first and employ standard, non-industry-specific lawyers that don’t understand the CrossFit industry. Not only can this put your business at greater risk, but claims can end up costing you much more. CrossFit RRG takes a completely different approach. Our claims are directed by CrossFit, LLC’s legal team and employ a specialized legal team. These lawyers have an insider’s understanding of CrossFit, and they work to defend the CrossFit brand, our affiliates and trainers.

How Long Does It Take to Get CrossFit RRG Insurance?

We pride ourselves on a streamlined application process and quick customer service responses. That’s why we make sure to provide every affiliate and trainer with a quote within two business days.

However, the turnaround time can be even quicker. If you need a same-day quote, we can get that done—just reach out and let us know.

Once you get a quote, the timeline for the rest of the process is completely up to you. The next step is to approve the quote and make your payment.  Once payment is made the coverage documents are automatically generated. So, if you get a same-day quote and pay immediately, you can get coverage within one day.

What Types of Activities Does CrossFit RRG Insurance Cover?

CrossFit is not a ‘normal’ fitness routine; it’s a lifestyle and a community. That means that affiliates and trainers may organize events, outdoor training sessions, and private classes—all things that may not be covered under a typical insurance policy.

Thankfully, CrossFit RRG isn’t your typical insurance company.

We cover all the general activities that occur in a box or during training sessions. And beyond that, we also cover the following:

  • Outdoor Activities: These can include anything from parking lot training sessions to activities at nearby common areas like a park or track and field.
  • Virtual Training: As long as the training provided virtually is no different than the services we are already covering at your location, your CrossFit RRG policy will apply.
  • Special Events: Many events are covered by your regular CrossFit RRG policy.  However, depending on the specific details of your event, it may require a special event application and an additional premium charge of $600/day. Be sure to reach out to your account manager to confirm coverage.
  • Childcare Area: If your members have young children, offering a childcare area is a no-brainer—but it can be risky. Thankfully, your CrossFit RRG policy can include coverage for a childcare area.
  • Youth Training: Many policies exclude training for athletes under the age of 18, but with CrossFit RRG, we can include this coverage in your policy.
  • Open Gym Hours: Our policies can cover 24-hour operations and open gym sessions. Keep in mind that only experienced gym members should have unsupervised box access and we recommend always having a CF-L1 trainer present.
  • Canine Friends: You can even have a dog in your gym since there are no exclusions in our policy. However, we recommend taking precautions to ensure member safety.
  • Additional Affiliates: If you want to open another location, you can usually add it to your existing insurance policy. Just fill out an application, and we’ll send a quote to add the second location.

Does CrossFit RRG Cover All My Employees?

Yes, CrossFit RRG covers your employees as long as they are working within the scope of their duties for your company and fall under one of the following categories:

  • W-2 employees
  • Volunteers (including unpaid interns)
  • Independent Contract (1099) trainers that hold at least a CFL1 certificate
  • Partners
  • Owners

Coverage for non-CrossFit contractor trainers is a bit different. If they offer classes for your business, then our policy covers your business for those specific classes. However, the trainer will not be covered by your policy if they do not have at least their L1. Additionally, if the trainers are leasing space in your box for their own operations, then our policy does not extend coverage to them. They need to purchase a separate insurance policy.

While not required for coverage, we encourage coaches to receive CPR training. Not only can it reduce your general risk, but it can also make you eligible for a discount on your CrossFit RRG Liability policy premium.